When you turn to face him you motion for him to bend down so you can whisper in his ear.“How are you my love? Practicing your kicks?”.He tries to approach you slowly and places a hand on your shoulder with his booming laugh.So when he sees you kicking a pole near the diner he thinks you’re about to go off on something or someone.You pick fights quite often and never say exactly what you mean, so he always has to either read between the lines or ask straight up whats wrong.He likes your firey spirit, though he doesn’t think it’s good in a team.His heart is pounding and he takes you in his arms and nods.His eyes fluttered open when he felt yours peck him softly and he gives you a confused look.He thought you were actually going to hit him so he gladly closed his eyes and waited.so he was suprised when you looked up at him and stepped closer, pulling him close to you.You never hurt him intentionally, and even if you do say something rude you apologise right away.When he sees you looking blank and tired he quickly offers his face as a punching bag.No matter what you said or did, Nagito loved you so much he’d gladly take whatever you throw at him.He quickly recovers and eventually pulls you to his room so you two can snuggle for the rest of the day and nap.When you reply that you’re simply tired, nuzzling into his neck he shuts up and holds you tight, rubbing your back soothingly.His ? face was burning and all he could do was choke out “W-What’s up?”.He was about to stand up and ask if you were okay before you quickly sat in his lap, swung your legs over the side of his and hugged his neck.He looks up at your form, scooting back even more.He was so busy thinking of a response that he didn’t realize you stood right in front of him till he feels his chair being pulled back.Though when he see’s you walk into the resturaunt with your head hung low, he freezes because he doesn’t know weather to ask “are you okay?” or leave you be.Hajime has dealt with tons of sassy or constantly insensitive people- so he knows what to and what not say.Warnings Male cast, gender neutral pronouns, ultimate!reader HINATA HAJIME
ANYWAYS HI WE AREN’T DEAD™ I lowkey wanna open requests again but, - Mod Hiro SDR2 Boys react to a normally rude!S/O when tired, suddenly go soft upon seeing them M o o d b y e ah trying to finish more requests. All he has is a scar on his tummy from a stray bite attempt before the poor shark just gave up) To this day, shuichi doesn’t really remember the fight. It only managed to get a scratch on her tail fin before shuichi was clawing at it’s eyes and gills. He was hunting with himiko and the shark came out of nowhere and decided to make a snack out of her.

Shuichi is really defensive of his friends.Although its difficult to avoid the nets, he’s gotten rather good at it! And he enjoys retelling the stories to his friends when the fishermen leave Shuichi loves to listen to stories the human fishermen will tell on the ships.And sometimes a seagull, if he’s feeling particularly peckish.) Some mermaids will eat ANYTHING besides other mermaids, but shuichi is strictly fish based. He’s very picky about what he eats, actually.He’s not like some other mermaids, there’s no power or magic in his voice, but it doesn’t deter him. Its quiet, and you have to really listen to hear it, but it’s there. Trips to the surface aside, shuichi was a normal murman.He always watched from the distance, making sure to never let anyone know he was there.